Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Of Pandanus and Pelicans

With a few wet years to account for now we can see the benefits to the flora and fauna.

We have been on bushwalks of late and discovered small plants of the Pandanus Tree littered through the creek beds (native to our area). I love the Pandanus Tree it has such a prehistoric look and you can see the fine thorns on each branch of the young plant, I assume this ensures it survival to adulthood.

 At the end of the creek we came across these beauties,

there is quite a population, and clearly difficult to photograph but they are majestic!

(Whenever I see them I think of the "Nigel" the pelican in the movie "Finding Nemo" voiced by Geoffrey Rush...
wise and funny!!)

1 comment:

  1. You live in an amazing part of the world dear friend. Your boys are lucky to grow up with that scenery and wildlife.
