Saturday, 17 November 2012

A busy week...

Mary Poppins (Tracey) has been here for another week. She brought with her a plethora of home grown supplies and a great many eggs for me. This was only due to an altercation at the corner store from the previous Saturday when I purchased 2 dozen free range eggs only to get home to find that 14 of them were rotten, I threw the rest out - I'm not going back for a refund or anything ever from that place!

The boys are environmental warriors this week...seen here making a cane toad trap.

Unsuccessful to date but they have a plan!

They also managed to make donuts,

delicious with an afternoon coffee and better than anything you can buy!

For me it has been a week of collating figures for the bank and their impending visit, yes I like this part of the job and I don't find any of it boring.

There have also been those jobs I have had in the pipeline for up to a year that lie in the unimportant not urgent quadrant, 
 repairing the ceiling, 

sealing the doors, 

Tracey and Drewe wire brushed the chair for me and gave it a spray of anti rust to which I then painted, hopefully I can get another couple of years out of it.

and recovering the stools,

While husband has been out fencing again this week, the boys and I have all progressively come down with the flu, we are just so grateful to have had Tracey back in our schoolroom for the last time this year...

feeling organised and even though fluey, invigorated. Thanks Trace x


  1. very productive week even with the flu. and nice when visitors come bearing produce!

  2. It's wonderful Trude that you have access to a 'Mary Poppins' even if only for a week at a time. You've very obviously made great use of your time. A lot of items ticked off the 'to do' list by the look.

  3. Always great to tick off the "projects" AND with photographic evidence (wish I'd remembered my brush!). Always great to be up in your part of the world, as Drewe says "It's just so peaceful" and about 5 degrees cooler than Rocky. The great company also a bonus..
