Saturday, 17 August 2013

Spring has sprung...and it's still Winter

The herbs have noticed,

my Fushia's have too, enjoying their spot in the garden,

my David Austin rose is delighting me every single day with a new bud,

Oh and my yesterday, today, tomorrow has come alive...this is the first time it has flowered in years!

The lavender bless its little heart with not only joy in the flower but the scent as well.

And my Iceberg climber is also blessing us with its beautiful show...I get to see this one from my bedroom window (when time permits of course)!

But alas it is all made possible by water, a couple of new sprinklers (well only 1 in fact because I broke 1 trying to "modify" it fresh out of the box) makes it all possible to keep them all alive, 

and with my dear old Duke, never far away when there is a chance of getting a bath!


  1. The weather has been glorious hasn't it Trude, certainly a lovely time to be in the garden. Your roses are gorgeous, favourites of mine but not at all fond of our bore water unfortunately.
    Always lovely to see another picture of Duke.

  2. Fiona, have been told that as long as the bore water does NOT get on the leaves they are right.

    Love icebergs, Im just not good at looking after them. Also have the brunfelsia, mine has flowered on and off all year, but got pruned heavily by poddies and gets plenty of water. The scent is divine!

    Seeing your garden is making me all inspired, but a sensible woman will hold strong and avoid bunnings until after it rains, spring or no spring....

  3. Thanks Fiona...water is the key isn't it!
