I am increasingly being inspired by people and places like Instagram and Pinterest...and my new book Permaculture for the Home Garden...more inspiration from other bloggers!
Our sabbatical to the beach for 3 nights was destined to further inspire my interests,
photography, collecting things that I love and a new found appreciation for recycling, not the plastics and paper kind, more like shell grit for the chooks, seaweed to make my own seaweed solution and driftwood for making things!
and then there is the fishing...we are fortunate, I know, I grew up with a creek that was good Barramundi fishing, a sport, a thrill...but catching a reef fish is just as exhilarating!

It wasn't to be this time, this creek now gets fished more heavily than ever before...the days of catching a feed everyday are gone, but my optimistic self likes to believe that it just means more people are enjoying a fish...there are other stories from 20 years ago that people would rather forget, lets hope Karma catches up with those lawless folk!
There is something about the ocean, so powerful and raw, the tide going out...
and coming in, it is so natural. At night on a high tide it sounds like the ocean will roar wildly through my door...
Lots of chances to capture these boys...gosh they spent hours on the beach, scouring, climbing, investigating...
Being the good mother I am, wink wink, my stipulations of wearing hats at all times almost ended in tears when the strong winds carted the prize hat into the middle of the tidal creek...I sprinted, the man sprinted faster, wading into the chest deep water against the tide he retrieved the hat...
pick your battles, we will stick to more sunscreen next time.
And then there is the camp oven cooking, my dear old dog revels in being so close...
All our meals were done over the fire...a taste like no other1
For lots of years we just didn't make the time to enjoy this little piece of paradise and ever so grateful to my husband's family that we can use it...
what a great place to visit! and laughing about the hat, you should have seen daughter #2's face when the strong wind in Townsville recently blew the thong right off her foot...and into the rocks/water. I can laugh now but it wasn't funny at the time, they were brand new thongs!!