Tuesday, 11 September 2012

She taught me how!

Mum was a pretty good seamstress, she made all of my clothes until I put my foot down about it. It was when I was in high-school and it really was uncool to be wearing clothes your mother made. Some of Mum's friends were magnificent sewers. They made beautiful clothes and are great homemakers.

She taught me to sew although I was never really engaged, but I have just discovered that I must have learnt something.

Drewe and I pulled together some calico and fabric paints to make "Dancing pants" for one of his CLC Units.

Attention to detail is NOT one of my strong points but I drafted these little numbers off a pair of pants, then using a unconventional method of measuring (finger spacing) we pulled this off. We couldn't believe the stripes actually matched up.

Do you think John Travolta would have worn these?

The great thing is he had a choice of blue as well and he went hot pink...what a spunky kid! No stereotyping in this household.

Another project this year has been to get a hardwood table made from timber that we have had stored for about 7 years. However as tablecloth users none of mine were long enough.

The task was to find some lovely fabrics and began hemming each one of them.

With teaching, the business, the garden, exercise and all of the things I am devoted to I can't imagine finding the time to do too much sewing but I am grateful she taught me how!

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