Living where we live I knew we wouldn't make it to the weekly cricket training (on Wednesdays and Thursdays)...bring in Dad and the problem is solved.
He devised using the gravel out the front of the shed as a pitch....and of course the sweeping of the pitch. Might I add this also involved NO-ONE walking on the pitch when it is raining, it is so soft that our footprints would always remain. The inconvenience of this was that is it is also our footpath to the schoolroom...ho hum!
Pitch's were measured and marked (builders spray paint) out for individual grades...the shifting of the stumps ever so important dependent on who is bowling.
Note Duke is never far away from the action but now knows not to walk in front of the ball!
And then there is all that practice. Fortunately for the kids Dad has had a bit more time to do this with them this year and they have improved so much.
The commitment has been worth it, the outcomes valuable but I think we are all looking foward to a Friday night at home!