Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Boys and their sport.....

Cricket Season has rolled around again, another season, another year older, even a move up to the next age group.

Under 9s on Friday nights is a real treat for the kids, to play under lights. It is all in the name of fun and experience. Each player bowls 2 overs and equally faces 2 overs. Everyone gets match time, it doesn't matter if you get out, you just keep playing and if you miss hit, a ball is placed on a tee for you to have a hit.

Drewe started last year when he was just 6, he couldn't bowl down the wicket and was frightened of the ball while batting. By the end of the season he was bowling down the wicket and facing and hitting the ball, he even got a couple of wickets (this was celebrated by an impromptu dance around the wickets....not something we practice at home but it got a laugh from the crowd).

Rohan has gone up to Under 11s on Saturday mornings. The rules are similar but a few things are harder, including the ball! Like all of us, he was full of trepidation in going up a grade but he tried hard and put his best effort in. I did forget to pack some vital protective equipment, I won't forget it next week.

Drewe couldn't help himself getting all decked out in the big boys gear!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Making school 'FUN'

Another week started today in the was a pupil free day for most....we took our holiday early, on Friday, a much more suitable day for us to be taking a day off - to go to the doctor, get some much needed female pampering, physiotherapy appointment, swimming lessons and Under 9s cricket! Did I say a day off....laughable. 

Anyway, with one child suffering from an ear infection and consequently a burst ear drum, the other was happily getting himself through his day, a spot of cricket practice made him late for his guitar practice which made him late to start the day....remember everyone else is having a day off in the school world....he was in no rush.

Competently he was going about his independent work according to Mary Poppins' plan. Handwriting was up today and this is when he seized his opportunity to make his handwriting 'FUN'. I was still hanging out the 5th load of washing for the day, therefore no supervision he proceeded to complete a 

Consolidation - Cursive page

What would you want to have with you on a desert island?
Write a list in cursive, and number it from 1 to 10.

1. fresh water
2. food
3. power generator
4. 600 litres of diesel
5. iPod charger
6. D.S. charger
7. 100 games
8. 900 000 000 books
9. all of my school mates (no teachers, parents or siblings though)
10. sports gear

I was rolling around on the floor laughing at this point.....


Make school fun and they will be laughing with you!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Rugby for Charity

The surface is hard, the players are from near and far, they have all come together for the 10th and final time, to play their hearts out for the Marlborough Rugby Charity Match.

It is Country vs City, blokes with passion and determination. All great men and the bloke who has organised this for the last 10 years just happens to be my brother and his amazing wife.

This small community draws about 300 people each year to the Marlborough State School grounds. It is a real family affair on the day but the work is really done by these two!

The ladies get there early too for the infamous Ladies Luncheon. A great local family has always done the catering for this event. An amazing feast of cold meats adorned with fabulous salads and most of all great conversation....something I love to be a part of.




 has raised in excess of $120,000 for charities.....

The Queensland Cancer Council
The Leukaemia Foundation
Capricorn Helicopter Rescue Service
Beyond Blue
Marlborough State School P&C
Marlborough & District Lions Club
Heart Foundation
Queensland Cord BLood Bank
Angel Flight
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Make a Wish Foundation

There was also the kids Rugby match played at half time...

they had fun!

A lolly drop.....for the kids

A free jumping castle....for the kids

Rohan had a head clash early in the day and almost knocked himself out.
First aid training would have been useful (I only did it 3 months ago but I panicked!!!! = not useful)

The the good old cent sale, where you win stuff you don't really want but it is all for charity right. 

The crowd was spread out.....

This covered area was built when I went to school there in 1982. Dad and the P&C members at the time thought it would be handy for sports carnivals....nice to see it still in good order and used heaps. 

Clint thanking sponsors and supporters....

Man of the Match.....

And the winning sides' Captain.....

Country won 20-12.

What a wonderful decade of fundraising for such worthwhile charities and
to finish on a high has made this so rewarding for Clinton.....

Thank you Marlborough!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Steve Jobs Biography

I have just finished the audiobook of Steve Jobs' Biography by Walter Isaacson. This is a great insight into an innovative and inspiring man who managed to create one of the world's greatest companies, Apple.

I wanted to read this book, I wanted to know how someone created something with just an idea. Like so many I have converted from being a Windows user to an Apple user. I went from 1 computer to 4, an iPod each and an iPhone. Steve's eye for design and simplicity really is what makes these products. It wasn't all pretty, he was very demanding and would only work with great designers and engineers, rightly so.

I think the hardcover version, whilst would look sleek in my library would have had me snoring when talking about intel chips and patents, but I wasn't really looking for the engineering details.

Steve wanted to leave a legacy of a long lasting company with great products. I guess if there are many like me who have gone from an open system to a closed and integrated system then his vision is a reality.

The audiobook is my first, it meant all of those hours (24 in total) in the car were used effectively. Now what to read (listen to) next......any suggestions?

What are you reading at the moment?

Monday, 1 October 2012

A day of fun and horsin' around

Horse Sports are held once a year in the next district on from ours. When you live where we live, nothing is close by but I was fortunate to grow up close to this area, a lot of us go way back to childhood sports days, with and without our ponies.

We packed up the horses and the kids and went on our merry way the afternoon before to catch up with long time friends along the way.

My eldest riding Tandia....he is so lucky to have this mare, they are a great match.  This boy is so casual and no pressure from horse or rider.

Youngest son on Honda, at 30 she is a bit long in the tooth but she looks great doesn't she.

He took his mare steady, "she is a bit cranky today Mum" but they had fun all the same got her trotting by the end of the day.

Honda's least favourite event is the flag race, but she was so good with her little rider and I believe a true testament to the horse and man relationship.

What a fantastic family day and a true credit to the committee.

A long sleep on the way home for the boys was topped off making it home in time to watch the NRL Grand Final, good time management on the committee's behalf!